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The Mothers' Club of St. Joseph School


Founded in 1953, The Mothers' Club of St. Joseph School remains an organization where parents, sharing a common goal of wanting to enhance their children's education through active participation, come together to share ideas, set goals, and realize these goals through various fundraising activities and enrichment programs.


Supporting the MCSJS is as easy as...


Our annual Mothers' Club Mass & Brunch will now be held in honor of our beloved Colette Ball. The luncheon will host guest speaker, psychologist Joanna Fava.


Mark your calendars now to ensure you do not miss our annual gala. With your support and engagement, it can be our biggest MCSJS fundraiser of the year.



You can use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipts for participating products. Our school will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy.



Having Celesta Ligniti as an MCSJS volunteer is like finding a four leaf clover…lucky! This year alone Celesta has stepped up to serve as the Dutch Treat Co-Chair, Game Night Grades 1-3 Chair, Book Fair Co-Chair, Kindergarten Graduation Reception Chair, TACHS Pencils Co-Chair and as if this is not enough, she is also 1st Grade Class Parent. It is no surprise that Celesta has such a passion and willingness to support the students at our school. Her entire professional career has been in the NYC schools as a special needs teacher, curriculum director, and principal for students with behavioral difficulties and social emotional delays. Celesta’s goal is “to be part of my daughter’s educational journey and eager that all the children at SJS have positive school experiences and create fun and happy memories to last a lifetime.” We are all luckier for that!